




World best technology brings
with Shin Han Elevator Co., Ltd.’s pride.

Elevator Modernization Work(Remodeling)

Elevator Modernization Work(Remodeling

After elevator operated 15~20 years, it’s possible the ratio of error or malfunction increased sharply even though maintenance done periodically, which means the elevator’s life cycle suspected.

When it comes this period, maintenance cost increased sharply. It’s time to consider it’s necessary to do replacing or remodeling works by precise Diagnosis

The necessity of Elevator Modernization Work

Relevance of Elevator life cycle with maintenance cost increase

Kinds of Elevator Remodelling

After Elevator Remodelling

Elevator Modernization Work Parts Replacement

Division Assembly Part Life expectancy Replacement possiblility
Machine room Motor Motor Cage induction 10~15 O
Winding induction 20~30
Bearing 10~15
Traction machine Over speed Governor 20~25 O
Pulley 8~12
Break Break Ass’y 20~25 O
Lining 5~8
Control panel 10~15 O
Governor 10~15 O
Machine beam 20~25 X
Car cage Door Hanger roller 5~10 O
Operator 15~20
COP 5~10 O
Panel(wall) 5~10 O
Hoistway Main rope 7~10 O
Travelling cable 10~15 O
Guiderail 10~15 O
Buffer 10~15 O
Counter weight 10~15 O
Rope 5~8 O
Pit switch 5~10 O
Limit switch 5~10 O
Door safety 5~10 O
Oiler, Cam, Shoe 5~10 O
Car top beam 10~15 O
Entrance Button 5~10 O
Door 10~15 O
Door jamb 10~15 O
Door sill 5~10 O
Hall button 5~10 O
HPI 5~10 O
Landing door operator 5~10 O
Car door operator 5~10 O
Floor Indicator 10~15 O

Control panel replacement


Customer’s inconvenience caused from often breakdown & repairing cost increase(Control panel rotary encoder & relay electric contactor malfunction or deterioration)


Replaced with brand new distributed interter type EL-LUX2 controller.
M'while, by retaining controller box, cost saving and wok lead time shortened

Cabin replacement


Cabin interior deterioration, contamination, deformation & corrosion


Car ceiling, flooring & panel replaced with brand new ones

COP replacement


- Button function is O.K., but direction indication is incorrect
- Incorrect direction indication & System interface

- Replaced new type equipped with voice synthesizer & call cancellation button type
- DOT type more visual for Direction indication & Position display

Elevator Modernization Work Milestone

Based on 1 unit of elevator, manufacturing lead time is 2 weeks after spec. confirmed and dismantling/installation lead time take also 2 weeks.

※ Subject to change following jobsite situation